“Sound Travels” by Professor Frances Dyson

6 Nov 2014 - 15:00 / 6 Nov 2014 - 17:00

Northrop Frye, Rm. 007
73 Queen’s Park Crescent

The Centre for Comparative Literature is pleased to announce that Professor Frances Dyson, professor emeritus of Cinema and Technocultural Studies at the University of California Davis and author of The Tone of Our Times: Sound, Sense, Economy, and Ecology, will be giving a talk on her new work Thursday November 6, at 3 PM in NF007.

“What do  sound art installations, colonial prisons, abandoned housing estates, wilderness areas, and inner-city performance spaces have in common? This talk will be something of a travelogue that charts the ways sound interacts with architectural and cultural spaces. Through this journey I hope to show the relationships between sound art and a certain form of silencing – what I referred to as an institutionalization of sound, one that transects art, systems of punishment, real estate, financial speculation, and “nature”.

Bio: Frances Dyson is Emeritus Professor of Cinema and Technocultural Studies at the University of California, Davis, and Visiting Professorial Fellow at the National Institute for Experimental Arts, University of New South Wales. She is the author of The Tone of Our Times: Sound, Sense, Economy and Ecology (MIT Press, 2014); Sounding New Media: Immersion and Embodiment in the Arts and Culture (University of California Press, 2009)