CORE PROGRAM 2024-2025
updated: August 28, 24
Fall term:
COL1000HF The Bases for Comparison /S. Dowling, Wednesdays, 1-3
COL5018HF Gender, Life-Writing, and Agency/ B. Havercroft, Fall term, Tuesdays, 3-5
COL5086HF Literature, Culture and Contact in Medieval Iberia/ J. Ross, Tuesdays, 1-3
COL5100HF The Late Barthes: The Neutral, Mourning, and Photography/ J. Ricco, Thursday 10-12
COL5101HF Diasporic Cities /A. Sakaki, Tuesdays, 10-12
COL5132HF One Philosopher, One Artist/ E. Cazdyn, Wednesdays, 11-1
COL5154HF Searching for Sebald: Fiction, Exile, and the Natural History of Destruction (New course) / J. Zilcosky, Wednesdays, 3-5
JCY5116HF Freud: Case Histories/ R. Comay, Thursdays, 1-3. Please consult with Comparative Literature for JCY5116H location
Spring term:
COL5122HS Text and Digital Media/ R. Bai, Wednesdays, 11-1
COL5124HS Public Reading/ A. Komaromi, Tuesdays 1-3
COL5125HS Literature, Trauma, Modernity/ J. Zilcosky, cancelled
COL5136HS Space, Place and Power/H. Bahoora, Wednesdays, 1-3
COL5152HS World Literature in Theory and Practice (New course) /Z. Mian Mondays, 1-3
COL5153HS Lyric: Politics and Poetic Form (New course) /M. Nyquist, Spring, Wednesday, from 3-5. cancelled
JFC5120HS The Gift — Le don/A. Motsch, Spring term, Tuesday, Spring 10-12
JFC5129HS Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc, Thursdays, 11-1
Our seminars will begin September 9, 2024
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
Fall term
10-12: COL5101HF Diasporic Cities /A. Sakaki
1-3: COL5086HF Literature, Culture and Contact in Medieval Iberia/ J. Ross
3-5: COL5018HF Gender, Life-Writing, and Agency/ B. Havercroft
11-1: COL5132HS One Philosopher, One Artist/ E. Cazdyn
1-3: COL1000HF The Bases for Comparison /S. Dowling
3-5: COL5154HF Searching for Sebald: Fiction, Exile, and the Natural History of Destruction (New course)/ J. Zilcosky
10-12: COL5100HF The Late Barthes: The Neutral, Mourning, and Photography/ J. Ricco
1-3: JCY5116HF Freud: Case Histories/ R. Comay . Please consult with Comparative Literature for JCY5116H location
Spring term
1-3: COL5152HS World Literature in Theory and Practice /Z. Mian
10-12: JFC5120HS The Gift — Le don/A. Motsch
1-3: COL5124HS Public Reading/ A. Komaromi
11-1: COL5122HS Text and Digital Media/ R. Bai
1-3: COL5136HS Space, Place and Power/H. Bahoora
11-1: JFC5129HS Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
2-4: Comparative Literature Reading Group
CORE PROGRAM 2023-2024
Fall term:
COL1000HF The Bases for Comparison /S. Dowling
COL5016HF Art and Politics: Bertolt Brecht, Robert Lepage/P. Kleber. Location: Robarts Library, Media Commons, Room RL3025
COL5126HF Sports Narrated/A. Sakaki
COL5142HF Women and Sex and Talk/J. Ricco
COL5146HF Written in Blood/C. James
COL5149HF The Art of Combat: Violence, Culture, and Competition (New course)/J. Zilcosky
JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft
JHL1680HF Revolutionary Women’s Cultures in East Asia/A. Grewal
Spring Term:
COL5081HS Benjamin’s Arcades Project/R. Comay
COL5133HS Comparative Modernisms/H Bahoora
COL5150HS The Palliative: Art, Politics, Ecology, Medicine (New course) /E. Cazdyn
COL5151HS The Theatre of Science (New course) /M. Revermann
COL5152HS World Literature in Theory and Practice (New course) /Z. Mian/Cancelled
JFC1813HS Literature of Contract and Anthropological Thought 16th-18th Century/ A. Motsch
JGC1855HS Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
JLV5134HS Theories of the Novel/K. Holland
10-12: COL5016HF Art and Politics: Bertolt Brecht, Robert Lepage/P. Kleber. Location: Robarts Library, Media Commons, Room RL3025
3-5: COL5149HF The Art of Combat: Violence, Culture, and Competition/J. Zilcosky
10-12: COL5126HF Sports Narrated/A. Sakaki
1-3: COL1000HF The Bases for Comparison /S. Dowling
3-5: JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft
12-2: JHL1680HF Revolutionary Women’s Cultures in East Asia/A. Grewal
10-12: COL5142HF Women and Sex and Talk/J. Ricco
1-3: COL5146HF Written in Blood/C. James
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
11-1: COL5152HS World Literature in Theory and Practice /Z. Mian Cancelled
10-12: JLV5134HS Theories of the Novel/K. Holland
1-3: COL5133HS Comparative Modernisms/H Bahoora
10-12: JFC1813HS Literature of Contract and Anthropological Thought 16th-18th Century/A. Motsch
1-3: COL5150HS The Palliative: Art, Politics, Ecology, Medicine/E. Cazdyn
3-5: JGC1855HS Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
1-3: COL5081HS Benjamin’s Arcades Project/R. Comay
12-2: COL5151HS The Theatre of Science /M. Revermann
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
Updated : March 22, 23
CORE PROGRAM 2022-2023
updated April 28, 2022
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
COL1000H Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling
COL5016H Art and Politics: Bertolt Brecht, Robert Lepage/P. Kleber. Location: Robarts Library, Media Commons, Room RL3025
COL5135H Climate Genres /E. Jagoe
COL5136H Space, Place Power/H. Bahoora
COL5148H Post-Conflict Literatures: Europe, Africa and the Americas /C. James (new)
JFC5129H Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
JLA5082H The Rhetoric of Photography/A. Sakaki
COL5018H Gender, Agency, and Life Writing/B. Havercroft
COL5086H Literature, Culture and Contact in Medieval Iberia/J. Ross (Cancelled)
COL5109H Jean-Luc Nancy: Retreating the Aesthetic/J. Ricco
COL5110H Post Capitalist Fantasy/E. Cazdyn
COL5111H Revenge, Resistance, Race and Law/M. Nyquist
COL5122H Text and Digital Media/R. Bai(Cancelled)
COL5147H Books at Risk/A. Komaromi (new). COL5147H is also listed as BKS 2000H Advanced Seminar in Book History and Print Culture . Location: Round Room, Massey College.
JCO5121H Apuleius of Madauros/E. Gunderson (new). Location: CR404 (Car Hall)
JFC1813H Literature of Contact and Anthropological Thought 16th-18 Century/A. Motsch (Cancelled)
JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
10-12: JFC5129H Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
1-5: CompLit Writing Group
10-12: JLA5082H The Rhetoric of Photography/A. Sakaki
1-3: COL5136H Space, Place Power/H. Bahoora
3-5: Northrop Frye lecture (TBA)
10-12: COL5016H Art and Politics: Bertolt Brecht, Robert Lepage/P. Kleber Location: RL3025 at Media Commons, Robarts Library
3-5: COL5135H Climate Genres /E. Jagoe
3-5: Northrop Frye lecture (TBA)
11-1: COL5148H Post-Conflict Literatures: Europe, Africa and the Americas /C. James
1-3: COL1000H Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling
1-5: Complit Writing Group
12-3: COL5111H Revenge, Resistance, Race and Law/M. Nyquist
3-5: COL5018H Gender, Agency, and Life Writing/B. Havercroft
1-3: COL5110H Post Capitalist Fantasy/E. Cazdyn
3-5: JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
10-12: COL5109H Jean-Luc Nancy: Retreating the Aesthetic/J. Ricco
1-4: JCO5121H Apuleius of Madauros/E. Gunderson (new). Location: CR404 (Car Hall)
2-4: COL5147H- (BKS 2000H) Books at Risk/A. Komaromi, Location: Round Room, Massey College.
3-5: Working Group/J. Ricco: February 2, March 2, March 23, April 13, May 4, May 25
1-5: Complit Writing Group
CORE PROGRAM | 2021-2022
Our fall classes officially begin September 9, 2021. Please note that the format of fall classes is yet to be determined. (Updated August 11, 2021).
COL1000HF Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling – in person – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
COL5096HF The Problem of Translation: Historical, Theoretical and Pragmatic Perspective/M. Revermann – online
COL5117HF Freud and Psychoanalysis/J. Zilcosky – in person – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
COL5127HF “Queer Ethics and Aesthetics of Existence/J. Ricco – in person – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
COL5131HF Non Disclosure Act/E. Cazdyn – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
COL5143HF Dramaturgies of the Dialectic Part I: Hegel: The End of Art and the Endgame of Theater/R. Comay (New)
JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft – online
JGC1740HF Humans and Things/J. Noyes (Toronto), L. Switzky (Toronto), J. Taylor (U Western Cape, South Africa). –online and in person– The course will take place twice weekly from November 2 to December 9, 10am-12pm in the first week and thereafter 9-11am* Please contact Prof. Noyes for more details.
COL5122HS Text and Digital Media/R. Bai – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
COL5144HS Dramaturgies of the Dialectic Part II: Tragedy and Philosophy after Hegel/R. Comay (New)
COL5145HS Poetics of Personhood/S. Dowling (New) – Emmanuel College Room 205, in-person confirmed
COL5146HS Written in Blood: Caribbean Readings in Conflict and Healing/C. James (New) – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 332
JCD5135HS Race, Politics and Jewishness/ N. Seidman (New) – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
JFC5136HS Allegory and Allegorism in Literature and Fine Arts/S. Drouin (New) – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
JCO5121HS Classics and Theory Seminar: Orality, Textuality, Hypertextuality/K. Yu (New) –Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park, Room 205 – in-person confirmed
JGC1855HS Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel , Victoria College, Room 215
FAH3000HS Directed Readings: Photography’s Collective Futures and Afterlives/J. Ricco
Complit & joint courses will begin on Thursday, September 9, 2021
10-12: COL5127HF Queer Ethics and Aesthetics of Existence/J. Ricco – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
1-3: COL5131HF Non Disclosure Act/E. Cazdyn – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
3-5: JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft, online
1-3: COL5117HF Freud and Psychoanalysis/J. Zilcosky – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
4-6: COL5143HF Dramaturgies of the Dialectic Part I: Hegel: The End of Art and the Endgame of Theater/R. Comay
11-1: COL5096HF The Problem of Translation: Historical, Theoretical and Pragmatic Perspective/M. Revermann – online
2-4: COL1000H Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
2-4: COL5146H Written in Blood: Caribbean Readings in Conflict and Healing/C. James – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 332
3-5: COL5145H Poetics of Personhood/S. Dowling – Emmanuel College Room 205
9-11:FAH3000HS Directed Readings: Photography’s Collective Futures and Afterlives/J. Ricco
2-4:JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 205
4-6:COL5144H Dramaturgies of the Dialectic Part II: Tragedy and Philosophy after Hegel/R. Comay
10-12: JCD5135H Race, Politics and Jewishness/ N. Seidman – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
12-2: JFC5129H Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc – Emmanuel College Room 205
2-4: JFC5136H Allegory and Allegorism in Literature and Fine Arts/S. Drouin – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
4-6: JCO5121H Classics and Theory Seminar: Orality, Textuality, Hypertextuality/K. Yu –Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park, Room 205
10-12: COL5122H Text and Digital Media/R. Bai – Northrop Frye Hall, Room 008
Updated: December 1, 2021
CORE PROGRAM | 2020-2021
All Comparative Literature fall and winter term courses will be available online. We are working with the rest of the university to determine, according to health and safety requirements, when and how we will be able to offer also in-person learning. This is an on-going process about which updates will be posted.
COL1000H Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling
COL5018H Gender, Agency, and Life Writing/B. Havercroft
COL5101H Diasporic Cities/A. Sakaki
COL5125H Literature, Trauma, Modernity/J. Zilcosky
COL5128H Tragedy: Instantiations of a Dramatic Form in Theatre, Philosophy, Opera and Popular Cinema/M. Revermann
COL5142H Women and Sex and Talk/J. Ricco (new)
COL5032H Feminist Approaches to Medieval Literature/J. Ross
COL 5122H Text and Digital Media/R. Bai
COL5133H Comparative Modernisms/H. Bahoora
COL5140H Beckett and Philosophy/R. Comay (new)
COL5141H Beyond the Anthropocene: New Directions in Environmental Humanities/E. Jagoe (new)/
JFC5129H Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
JLV5143H Censorship, Culture, Archive/A. Komaromi (new)
Joint course codes: JLA: Complit-East Asian; JLV: Complit-Slavic; JLE: Complit-English; JFC: Complit-French; JGC: Complit-German; JHL: Complit-History; JOS: Complit-Spanish & Portuguese; JCY: Complit-Philosophy; JCO: Complit-Classics.
updated: June 12, 2020
All Comparative Literature fall and winter term courses will be available online. We are working with the rest of the university to determine, according to health and safety requirements, when and how we will be able to offer also in-person learning. This is an on-going process about which updates will be posted. .
Fall term:
10-12: Graduate Writing Group
2-4: COL5125H Literature, Trauma, Modernity/J. Zilcosky
10-12: COL5142H Women and Sex and Talk/J. Ricco
3-5: COL5018H Gender, Agency, and Life Writing/B. Havercroft
10-12: COL5101H Diasporic Cities/A. Sakaki
11-1: COL5128H Tragedy: Instantiations of a Dramatic Form in Theatre, Philosophy, Opera and Popular Cinema/M. Revermann
2-4: COL1000H Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling
Spring/Winter term:
10-12: Graduate Writing Group
2-4: COL5141H Beyond the Anthropocene: New Directions in Environmental Humanities/E. Jagoe, New
1-3: COL5140H Beckett and Philosophy/R. Comay
10-12: COL5032H Feminist Approaches to Medieval Literature/J. Ross
1-3: COL5133H Comparative Modernisms/H. Bahoora
3-5: JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
12-2: JFC5129H Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
2-4:JLV5143H Censorship, Culture, Archive/A. Komaromi
11-1: COL 5122H Text and Digital Media/R. Bai
All Comparative Literature fall and winter term courses will be available online. We are working with the rest of the university to determine, according to health and safety requirements, when and how we will be able to offer also in-person learning. This is an on-going process about which updates will be posted.
Updated: June 12, 2020
CORE PROGRAM | 2019-2020
Fall term
COL1000HF Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling, Friday, 2-4
COL5110HF Post Capitalist Fantasy/E. Cazdyn, Thursday, 11-1
COL5130HF Comparison and “the Human”/U. Esonwanne, Tuesday, 11-1/Cancelled
COL5135HF Climate Genres/E. Jagoe, Monday, 1-3 /New
COL5136HF Space, Place and Power/H. Bahoora, Wednesday, 1-3/New
JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft, Tuesday, 3-5
JGC1855HF Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel/Wednesday 3-5
JHL1680HF – Revolutionary Women’s Cultures in East Asia, early to mid 20th century/A. Grewal, Tuesday 1-3
JLE5225HF Passage from History to Fiction/N. Kortenaar , Thursday 3-5 /New
JLV5134HF Theories of the Novel/K. Holland/Friday, 11-1/ New
JOS5019HF Cervantes and Renaissance Humanism/S. Rupp, Thursday, 1-3 /Cancelled
Spring term
COL5047HS The Two Avant-Gardes/Komaromi, Thursday, 11-1
COL5096HS The Problem of Translation: Historical, Theoretical and Pragmatic Perspectives/M. Revermann, Friday, 12-2
COL5126HS Sports Narrated: Literary and Interdisciplinary Exploration of Sports represented in Textual and Visual Media/A. Sakaki, Tuesday, 10-12/New
COL5138HS Dramaturgy of the Dialectic/R. Comay, Wednesday, 4-6/New
COL5139HS Critical Race Theory/M. Nyquist/Monday, 10-1/New
JFC5105HS Collections of Knowledge: Encyclopedism and Travel Literature, 1500-1800/A. Mostch, Wednesday, 10-12
JFC5129HS Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc, Thursday, 3-5
JHL1282HS Comparative Totalitarian Culture/T. Lahusen, Tuesday, 1 -3/New
Special seminar: COL2100HS Corpus Infinitum: Art and the Possibility of Justice/D. Ferreira da Silva/condensed course from April 13 to May 10, 2020, from 1-4 pm:
April: Monday 13; Wednesday 15; Monday 20; Wednesday 22; Monday 27; Wednesday 29
May: Monday 4 ; Wednesday 6.
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
Fall term:
9:30-12:30: PhD Writing Group
1-3: COL5135HF Climate Genres/E. Jagoe
1-3: JHL1680HF Revolutionary Women’s Cultures in East Asia, early to mid 20th century/A. Grewal
3-5: JFC5025HF Feminism and Postmodernism: Theory and Practice/B. Havercroft
1-3: COL5136HF Space, Place and Power/H. Bahoora
3-5: JGC1855HF Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
11-1: COL5110HF Post Capitalist Fantasy/E. Cazdyn
3-5: JLE5225HF Passage from History to Fiction/N. Kortenaar
11-1: JLV5134HF Theories of the Novel/K. Holland
2-4: COL1000HF Faculty Seminar/S. Dowling
Spring term:
10-1: COL5139HS Critical Race Theory/M. Nyquist
10-12: COL526HS Sports Narrated: Literary and Interdisciplinary Exploration of Sports represented in Textual and Visual Media/A. Sakaki
1 -3: JHL1282HS Comparative Totalitarian Culture/T. Lahusen
10-12: JFC5105HS Collections of Knowledge: Encyclopedism and Travel Literature, 1500-1800/A. Mostch
1:00-3:50: Interdisciplinary Writing Group
4-6: COL5081HS Benjamin’s Arcades Project/R. Comay
11-1: COL5047HS The Two Avant-Gardes/Komaromi
3-5: JFC5129HS Performative Autobiographical Acts: Painted and Photographic Representations of Self in Personal and Political Testimonials/J. LeBlanc
10-12: Complit Writing Group
12-2: COL5096HS The Problem of Translation: Historical, Theoretical and Pragmatic Perspectives/M. Revermann
2-4: Complit Writing Group
Most Comparative Literature courses are taught at the Centre for Comparative Literature, Isabel Bader Theatre, 3rd floor, Linda Hutcheon Seminar Room (BT319) unless indicated otherwise below. Please click on the course code to see its description.
Updated: Jan 27, 2020
CORE PROGRAM | 2018-19
Fall term
COL1000H Faculty Seminar/Coordinator: U. Esonwanne
COL5018H Gender, Agency, and Life Writing/B. Havercroft
COL5081H Benjamin’s Arcades Project/R. Comay
COL5129H New Addictions/E. Jagoe /New course
COL5133H Comparative Modernisms/H. Bahoora / New course
JGC1855H Critical Theory – The French-German Connection/W. Goetschel
JLA5082H The Rhetoric of Photography/ A. Sakaki
DRA3907HY Collisions and Common Ground: Art – Technology – Performance/P. Kleber
Spring term
COL5033H Visual Portraitures in Contemporary Autobiographical Narratives/J. LeBlanc
COL5027H Memory, Trauma, and History/T. Lahusen
COL5117H Freud and Psychoanalysis/J. Zilcosky
COL5124H Public Reading/A. Komaromi
COL5128H Tragedy: Instantiations of a Dramatic Form in Theatre, Philosophy, Opera and Popular Cinema/M. Revermann
COL5131H Non Disclosure Acts/ E. Cazdyn/ New course
JFC1813H Literature of Contact and Anthropological Thought 16th-18th Century/A. Motsch
JLV5135H 1968: The Year of Revolution and Protest/D. Obradovic / New course
Joint course codes: JLA: Complit-East Asian; JLV: Complit-Slavic; JLE: Complit-English; JFC: Complit-French; JGC: Complit-German; JHL: Complit-History; JOS: Complit-Spanish & Portuguese; JCY: Complit-Philosophy; JCO: Complit-Classics.