Bárbara Simões’ lecture: ‘Patriarchy and Racism in Brazilian literature”

2 Dec 2022 - 15:00 / 2 Dec 2022 - 17:00

Bárbara Simões’ lecture: ‘Patriarchy and Racism in Brazilian literature”
Time: 3pm Friday, December 2nd, 2022
Location: Room VC101, Victoria College, U of T

This lecture focuses on three books of Brazilian literature that revolve around two of the main issues of Brazilian national identity: miscigenation and patriarchy. I will discuss how these books present heroines (a native woman in Iracema, a black girl in Clara dos Anjos and a white girl in A menina morta) whose roles in these narratives question, and deconstruct the assumptions, that Brazil is a racial democracy. Furthermore, I will analyse Brazilian literary tradition and the way it was constructed through these three authors, and how the canonic tradition has now been questioned in the present time.