Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Lecture

11 Feb 2022 - 15:00 / 11 Feb 2022 - 17:00

Denise Ferreira da Silva’s Lecture:

Unpayable Debt: A black feminist reading of the scenes of value
February 11, from 3-5 on Zoom
Please click here to register:

Unpayable Debt: A black feminist reading of the scenes of value

In this talk, Dr. Ferreira da Silva discusses Unpayable Debt. She focuses on what it does and how it figures in the larger confrontation with post-Enlightenment thought with which she engages. A tool of black thought, Unpayable Debt, is offered as a contribution to the arsenal of the Black Radical Tradition, as described by Cedric Robinson and taken up by Hortense Spillers, Saidiya Hartman, Fred Moten, and Nahum Chandler, a tradition that includes poetry, music, and fabulations as well confabulations of antislavery and anticolonial marron practices across the Americas and the Caribbean. Dr. Ferreira da Silva is also concerned with the resonances of these anticolonial struggles in European and the African continents in the twentieth century and before.