
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the Director and Associate Director and has responsibility for the practical daily management of the Centre, its academic program, and personnel. The Director is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science and in turn appoints the Associate Director.

Members of the Comparative Literature faculty are all faculty with a budgetary appointment and all those whose primary graduate appointment is in Comparative Literature (their budgetary appointments may be with a suburban campus or with a college). Members are expected to attend faculty meetings (twice a year) and to participate in one committee. Committee membership is by appointment.

Faculty Meetings
Meetings of all members are held once a semester. Members are entitled to vote. So are two student representatives, appointed by the Comparative Literature Course Union.

Policy and Curriculum Committee
The Policy and Curriculum Committee consists of the Executive Committee, three faculty members, and one student member (appointed by the CLCU). In the fall the Director determines the committee membership for the academic year. The committee meets to approve courses and changes to regulations. It meets once a semester and as necessary.

Admissions and Fellowships Committee
The Admissions and Fellowships Committee consists of the Executive committee. Admission to the MA and PhD programs is done in consultation with faculty: every file worthy of admission must be judged by at least one faculty member not on the executive committee. All faculty members have access to all files and are welcome to review them. The committee reviews and ranks fellowship applications after the major submission deadlines, extends offers of admission, and allocates admission-related awards within its jurisdiction.

Northrop Frye Committee
The Northrop Frye Committee is chaired by the Director and consists of two other faculty members and a student representative (appointed by the CLCU). The committee decides whom to invite for the Frye professorship every year.

Thesis Defense Chair Committee
Members of this committee serve as chairs of thesis defences in other departments as called upon by SGS.

PTR Committee
The PTR committee meets at the end of the academic year to review Annual Activity Reports of faculty and to assign PTR. It consists of the Director, the Associate Director, and one faculty member.

TA Appointments Committee
The TA Appointments Committee consists of the Executive and Business Officer.

Workload Committee
The Workload Committee consists of the Director and two faculty members with an appointment in Comparative Literature.

Representative on Arts and Science Council
Comparative Literature has one voting representative on Arts and Science Council, which meets three or four times a year.


Updated April 2, 2019