Iman Al Kaisy
Arab Intellectuals and the Arab Uprising: Autobiographical, Political, and Experiential Dimensions in Post-2011 Arab Testimonial Literature

 Gianmarco Bocchi
Photo-Narrative Entanglements in Post WWII English Italian, and Latin-American

Colby Alexander Chubbs
The Partisanship of the Dialectic: Hegel, Heine, Marx

Zhuoran Deng
A Biopolitics of Consent: Asian Femininty and Queer Futurity

Anna Foran
Agnes Martin’s Media

Sophie Xiao Fei
Violence and Precarity in Contemprary Canadian and Quebecois Women’s Literature

Zichuan Gan
Death and Computation in Contemporary Sinophone Science Fiction

Ben Hjorth
The interpretation of storms: telling Tempest time in the theatre of anti/colonialism

Moses Ido
Combatant Narratives in Israel’s conflicts in Lebanon and the Vietnam War

Ben Koonar
AIDS and Other Impossible Portraits

Hong Liu
Philosophical Melancholy and Modern Tragedy: Shakespeare, Benjamin and Cavell

Gaia Malnati
Oral Literatures Displaced: From Holocaust Testimony to Migrant Songs

Matthew Martin Mucha
Dictatorial Cultures Across the Luzon Strait: Gendered Memory in he Martial Law Literatures of Taiwan and the Philippines

Benjamin Meyerson
Momentum, Substrate, Circulation: Distance and Materiality in Orally Transmitted Poetries from the Iberian Peninsula

Dominic Pizzolitto
Benjamin’s Baudelaire Book and the Arcades Project

Felix Roessler
Disability Poetics: Language, Materiality, Poetry

Saharnaz Samaeinejad
The Renunciation of Poetic Authenticity in the Poetry of Furugh Farrukhza

Lily Tarba
By the Hearth and on Horseback: Honour and Shame in Russian and Georgian Literature of the Nineteenth Century

Krystale Tremblay-Moll
Tourism in the Dominican Imagination

Mahdieh Vali-Zadeh
Revisiting Rumi and the Sublime “I” of Person Love Love Mysticism: A Comparative Study

Ami Xherro 
Collective Formations of Women’s Poetic Life-Writing

Andrew Young
Thinking the Unthinkable

Updated: September 11, 24