Postdoctoral Fellowships

Why apply for a postdoc?

-it’s prestigious

-time and money ($30-50,000) to start (and even complete) a new research project (to make you all the more attractive on the job market)

-funding for research travel and expenses is usually included ($2-10,000)

-an excellent bridge to a tenure-track job

Helpful websites with full information about postdoctoral opportunities:

(US and Canada)

UK and elsewhere:


Selected specific postdocs of interest:

(check each university, however, and each Humanities Centre: most have post-docs)

SSHRC—the biggest Canadian funding source. $38,000 plus $5,000 research expenses. Deadline: Oct..

For details see:


Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships: Dalhousie University. $44,000 plus research funding. Deadline: Dec.


Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships: U of Alberta (same as above)


Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships: UBC (same as above),000,000,000

Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships: U of Calgary (same as above)



The Library of Congress: the Kluge Center Fellowships for residential research in humanities and social sciences that utilizes the collection of the Library of Congress. Grants of $4,000/month for 6-12 months are made. Citizenship: unrestricted.

INQUIRIES: 202/707-3302,; WEB:


The Michigan Society of Fellows: four Postdoctoral Fellows in the Humanities and Arts, Sciences, and Professions. Those selected for fellowships must have received the Ph.D. degree. Fellows will be selected for three-year terms. The annual stipend will be $47,271. Citizenship: not restricted. Deadline: Sept.

INQUIRIES: 734/763-1259,; WEB:


The Columbia University’s Society of Fellows in the Humanities has a number of Postdoctoral Fellows. The Society seeks to enhance the role of the humanities in the University by exploring and clarifying the interrelationships within the humanities as well as their relationship to the natural and social sciences. The stipend is $52,000. Each Fellow also has access to a research fund of $3000. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Oct.



The National Humanities Center at University of North Carolina offers 40 Fellowships in the Humanities for advanced study in all fields of the humanities. The Center provides an environment for individual research and fosters the exchange of ideas among scholars. Areas of special interest are unrestricted. Fellowships up to $50,000 are individually determined, the amount depending upon the needs of the Fellow and the Center’s ability to meet them. Each Fellow also has access to a research fund of $2500. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Oct.



The Center for the Humanities at Wesleyan University: Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship for scholars who have received their Ph.D. in any field of humanities or humanistic social sciences. The purpose of this fellowship is to provide scholars who have lately completed their Ph.D.’s with free time to further their own work in a cross-disciplinary setting, and to associate with a distinguished faculty. Citizenship: unrestricted. Deadline: Nov.




The Bibliographical Society of America (BSA): annual Short-term Fellowship Program, which supports bibliographical inquiry as well as research in the history of the book trades and in publishing history. Research may concentrate on books and documents in any field, but should focus on the book or manuscript (the physical object) as historical evidence. Fellowships may be held for one or two months and include a stipend of up to $2,000 per month in support of travel, living, and research expenses. Citizenship: unrestricted. Deadline: Dec.

INQUIRIES: 212/647-9171; EMAIL:



The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens: a wide variety of Fellowships for scholars to be in residence at the Huntington and to participate in its intellectual life. The Huntington is an independent research center with holdings in British and American history, literature, art history, the history of science, and medicine. Fellowships last from one to nine months. Stipends vary depending on scholar’s experience and length of residency. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Dec.

INQUIRIES: 626/405-2194; EMAIL:;


The University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of American Cultures, in cooperation with the university’s four Ethnic Studies Research Centers: Postdoctoral/Visiting Scholars Fellowship Program in Ethnic Studies in support of research African American, American Indian, Asian American or Chicana/o Studies. The institute promotes the activities of the four major research centers whose goals are to advance knowledge about these ethnic groups. Awards range from $30,000 to $35,000/year plus health benefits and up to $4,000 in research support. These fellowships can also be awarded for less than a year. Citizenship: US.  Deadline: Jan.

INQUIRIES: IAC Coordinator 310/825-1233; EMAIL:



The Lewis Walpole Library of the Yale University Library: Visiting Fellowships. The Library has significant holdings of eighteenth-century British prints, drawings, manuscripts, books and paintings, and is able to support advanced research in most aspects of British eighteenth-century studies. The Library offers one-month visiting fellowships to students pursuing advanced degrees and scholars engaged in postdoctoral or equivalent research. Citizenship: unrestricted. Deadline: Jan.

INQUIRIES: 860/677-2140; EMAIL:


The Newberry Library: Short-term and Long-term Fellowships to researchers who wish to use the library’s collections but who cannot finance a visit on their own. Short-term fellowships are two weeks to three months and are restricted to individuals from outside the metropolitan Chicago area. Long-term fellowships are six to eleven months, are available without regard to an applicant’s place of residence, and are intended to support significant works of scholarship that draw on the Newberry’s collections. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Jan. (Long-term); Mar. (Short-term).

INQUIRIES: 312/255-3666,


The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas, Austin: Research Fellowships to scholars pursuing post-doctoral or equivalent research projects in all areas of the humanities with priority given to proposals that concentrate on the Center’s collections and require substantial on-site use of them. The stipends are $3,000 per month for up to four months. This year’s special topic will be “The Post-War Cultures of 20th-Century America.” Projects will be welcomed that examine how the major wars of the last century reshaped American consciousness and left in their wake distinct post-war cultures. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Feb.

INQUIRIES: 512/471-8944;


The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Program in the Humanities. The program will encourage innovative teaching, enrich educational and research opportunities in the humanities, and foster the career development of a select group of promising young scholars. Each fellowship carries a departmental affiliation and the responsibility of teaching one course per semester. The initial stipend is $45,000, with an addition of $1,000 available for research and travel expenses. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadlines: Feb.

INQUIRIES: Sabrina Raymond, 410/516-8483; EMAIL:



The Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies: the Audrey Lumsden-Kouvel Fellowship for post-doctoral scholars who wish to use the Newberry’s extensive holdings in late medieval and Renaissance history and literature. Provides a stipend of $4,000. Check the Newberry Library web site for additional fellowship listings. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadline: Mar.

INQUIRIES: 312/255-3700;



The Folger Shakespeare Library: Long- and Short-Term Fellowships. The Library houses one of the world’s finest collections of Shakespeare books and manuscripts as well as extensive collections of English Renaissance and Reformation works. Fellowships are offered to encourage access to this exceptional collection and to encourage ongoing intellectual discourse in the humanities of the Renaissance. The Long-Term Fellowships (six to nine months) are: two Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowships with maximum stipends of $50,000 and $35,000; and up to three NEH Fellowships with maximum stipends of $40,000. Short-Term Fellowships are available for periods of one to three months. Stipends are $2,000 per month. Citizenship: unrestricted. Deadlines: Mar. for short-term fellowships and Nov. for long-term fellowships.

INQUIRIES: Carol Brobeck 202/675-0348; EMAIL:



The John F. Kennedy Library and Foundation: Kennedy Research Grants on any topics relating to the Kennedy period or requiring use of the Library’s holdings and for the Ernest Hemingway Research Grants in aid of research in the Hemingway Collection. Several grants are awarded in both categories each year. Kennedy Grants range from $500 to $2,500; Hemingway Grants range from $200 to $1,000. Citizenship: unspecified. Deadlines: Mar. and Aug.

INQUIRIES: 617/514-1600,



Leslie Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships; $50,000 per year plus research expenses. Deadlines:  Oct.

INQUIRIES: (603) 646-0896, fax. 603-646-0998


The Penn Humanities Forum (U of Pennsylvania): five one-year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships each academic year to junior scholars in the humanities who are not yet tenured (may not be tenured during the fellowship year). Annual stipend $42,000 plus health insurance. Deadlines: May?



Cornell University Society for the Humanities: Mellon Fellowships worth $45,000 for one year only. Deadlines: Oct.




Linda Hutcheon