Where to Look for Job Advertisements
*All job seekers should check the MLA Job Information List (chiefly but not exclusively US) and University Affairs (Canada ). The Centre is a member of the MLA. To search for MLA job information list in either the Association of Departments of English or the Association of Foreign Languages, please contact Aphrodite Gardner for instruction and password.
Paper copies of the JIL are available in research libraries and by subscription. The JIL should be consulted by all active job seekers. Our graduate students can view the current list electronically as soon as it is posted.
Paper copies of University Affairs are available at Robarts, at SGS, and at some large newsstands. It should be consulted by all those in the market for Canadian jobs. For electronic listings, including some “web exclusives,” go to http://www.universityaffairs.ca/careers/index.html
An assortment of other job sites + Harvard’s post-doc site:
No password is necessary for any of the following.
The Chronicle of Higher Education job-listings can be found at http://chronicle.com/jobs/ This is a very useful site for those whose searches are not focused on research universities. It has a wide variety of job announcements, advice, and articles on academic careers. If you are interested in composition positions or in jobs at small liberal arts colleges in the U.S. you should check here. Some fall ads for major universities are now beginning to appear here as well. NOTE: you can sign up to be notified by e-mail if job postings in your field get posted. For a password that can get you access to job listings one week in advance of their general availability, consult the Placement Officer.
Higher Education Jobs On-Line http://www.higheredjobs.com/
Academic Careers Online http://www.academiccareers.com/
The H-Net Job Guide Although the emphasis on H-Net listings is on jobs in History and Social Sciences, it also has a regular listing for other jobs in the Humanities, including Composition, Rhetoric, Communications, Film Studies, and Women’s Studies — plus non-teaching jobs for academics (e.g., humanities computing, archival postings, research posts, etc.).
Society for Technical Communication http://www.stc.org/
A site for anyone interested in technical writing. Membership is required to see the job database.
UK & Commonwealth Job Lists:
- www.jobs.ac.uk The best site for U.K. and Commonwealth vacancies.
- Times Higher Education Supplement: www.thesis.co.uk An up-to-date, keyword searchable listing of jobs in the UK and elsewhere. This site asks you to register before browsing, but you needn’t subscribe.
The Harvard Guide to Postdoctoral Fellowships: http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/financial/pdg.html
Paul Stevens