Take Her, She’s Yours by Eva-Lynn Jagoe is Out Now
The way I’m writing about splitting and holding may sound as if I thought there was a unified self, a whole duckling, that I was supposed to become. If that was the case, it would be contradicting everything I had learned over the years of reading critical theories of subjectivity. Ever since reading that de Man essay, I knew that we perform parts of ourselves in different contexts, that the idea of a coherent self is illusory. To imagine anything else is to be like Peter Pan, attempting to sew his shadow back on so as to unify all the parts of himself, even the ones that are darkest and most unpredictable. I believed that we can never be self-same, that there’s always a shadow trapped in a drawer or prancing around the room just out of hand’s reach.
Published today at punctum books, Eva-Lynn Jagoe binds genres of critical theory and memoir to notions of self and possession in Take Her, She’s Yours. This astonishing work is available in digital open access and print at punctumbooks.com.